Thursday, November 20, 2014

donnelly news

Next edition Nov 22nd-29th

Welcome another edition of the Donnelly news. This being thanksgiving week I want to a huge thank you to all my loyal readers who made my column the success it is. Manga Takk!!
Weather news: cold and snowy are the operable words for the past week, no major snow but enough to blow and drift and keep snow removable equipment busy.
St John’s/Kongsvinger news:  Services on Nov 23rd will be at 8:30 Kongsvinger and at 11 St John’s with Sunday School at St. John’s
The Kongsvinger fall festival will be held on Nov 23rd starting at 11 the parish hall. On the menu will be a variety of salads(NO HOTDISHES) along with pork chops plus there will be lots of baked good available for sale including the usual assortment of Scandinavian goodies as well as many raffle items ,tickets available at the door. The confirmation kids will also be selling honey for the Dakota boy’s ranch during it, and during thanksgiving eve services.
The parish is collecting food for the food shelf during Nov. and will also have a hat/mitten/scarf/gift tree in the back of both churches for the next month or so.

Thanksgiving eve worship service will be held on November 26, at 7:00 p.m. at St. John’s Church. A time of coffee and fellowship will follow the service. Everyone is welcome.
The Kongsvinger Relay for Life team will be busing tables for tips at the Pizza Ranch in Morris on Monday, December 1 from 5-8 p.m.
No KLCW meeting on Dec 4th.
Good shepherd news Thanksgiving eve services on Nov 26th at 7 p.m.

There will be a thanksgiving community meal at the United Methodist church in Herman on Nov 27th from noon to 1 pm

Community news: The Donnelly fire department’s annual turkey bingo will be held on Nov 21st at the community hall starting at 7 p.m. and the bookmobile will be in town on Nov 24th at 3:30 P.M. on main St.
Death notices: Wilber Gades of Starbuck passed away on Nov. 12th. I was among those who attended his funeral on Nov. 17th at Zion in Morris. Survivors include his son Barry (Donna) Gades of Cyrus and a niece Joan (Randy) Fults of Donnelly and their families. Barry is the president of our Donnelly community club;
Celebrations: the Tiger Junior varsity football team had an undefeated season players included Dakota Lupke and Levin Strand
McKenzie Smith was named one of the Minnesota State University Moorhead/Courtyard by Marriott Athletes of the Week of Nov. 3rd-9th.
Riley Biesterfeld was named honorable mention on the West Central Conference-all conference team in football
The Morris Area Elementary school’s 5th-6th grade orange tackle football team won the Willmar youth football championship ;members of that team included Maddox Erickson and Brady Loge, his dad Ryan Loge was a coach, the black team finished 4th team members included, Jackson Loge, Jordan Moser, Austin and Tristan Raths and Brandon Jergenson, his dad Rob Jergenson was a coach
The threshing bee royalty were part of the parade of lights in Morris, before the parade I enjoyed some music by UMM choral department. I also attended some holiday open houses at McCollar Jewelry and other places that eve.
 Mark and I attended the visitation for Joyce Huebner at the funeral home. I also attended her funeral at First Lutheran which afforded me an opportunity to visit with Dan Sevig the son of Rev Alfred Sevig a former pastor at Kongsvinger and a former neighbor (Mrs. Strand) that I had not seen in about 50 years.
Past week I also attended the open house at Someplace Safe, the presentation by Rev Tim Swanson from the Institute for Lutheran theology at Good Shepherd, the movie “God is Not Dead” at Zion Lutheran, and had lunch with Pr Mike Hanson at the common cup coffee house.

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