Thursday, September 26, 2013

Donnelly news

Sept. 21-27th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news:

 Weather news: It has been mostly sunny and mild during the past week. I see some beans are beginning to be harvested and some corn cut for silage.

ST John’s/Kongsvinger news: There will be joint services on September 29th at St John’s at 11 a.m. with the Sunday school kids singing
Lloyd Brandt estate land dedication will be held on October 6th at Kongsvinger
Royce Kaylon Erdahl (Aaron and Kayla) was baptized at Kongsvinger on September 15th

The St John’s fall fest will be on Saturday, October 5th, so if you have anything extra items lying around, save it for them. No clothes, but other items welcome; you can bring them to the church in early October.  More information contact the church office at 246-3211

Good Shepherd news:  an evening bible study on revelation will run on Wednesday evenings for the next 5 weeks, @ 7 p.m. at the church. This will be a condensed version of the a.m. study

The Chord Ayers a men’s chorus from the Milan area will be in concert at Good Shepherd today (Saturday), at 7 p.m.  there will be a free will offering and refreshments to follow the concert.

Other church news: Rev Wayne and Donna Jo Kopitzke will present their program “Angles Among Us” at Trinity Lutheran church in Cyrus on September 29th beginning with a meal at 5:30 p.m. and program at 7 p.m.
The glacial ridge conference women's fall gathering will be held on October 7th at Trinity Lutheran church, Cyrus beginning with reregistration at 4:30 p.m.
Fall Grief share support group from 4-6 p.m. on Monday evenings through December 9th, at the Morris Evangelical Free Church.
One of the signs of fall is church meals in the area, among them a ham dinner at the united Methodist church in Herman on September 29th
Community news: red hatters will travel to Graceville on October. 7th at 11 a.m. for lunch, Dutch treat, let Janet Hornemen   know if you are attending or need a ride, all are welcome
there will be a baby shower for Kelly Frank at place to be in Donnelly on Saturday October 5th from 2-5 pm at “the place to be” in Donnelly, she and Randy are expecting twins

 City council and rendsville 4-h will meet on October 7th at 7 p.m. and at the fire and community hall
The Stevens county genealogical society will meet on October 3rd at the library

 Death notice Katie Leisimeter passed away on September 12th survivors include her sons Tom (Roxanne) from Morris and their family, and Tony from Donnelly
Former Donnelly area resident Gladys (Willie) Ruehle of Vadnais Heights, MN passed away on September 10th

 Shiela Rae Johnson of Wheaton passed away recently survivors include her niece Lisa (Mike) Melchert
Celebrations: wedding anniversaries Richard and Kay (Van Zomeren) Brazeal (40 years); Richard and Karen Johnson ;( 20 years); Lowell and Sandy Dunn (30 years)

Sean and Amanda (Werk) Sorterberg were married in Alexandria on September 14th

Brady Cardwell received a 4_H award from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for his 4-h project at the state fair

 Beth Holland was named Morris-Chokio-Alberta KMRS player of the game on September 3rd

Carly Gullickson and Bryce Jergenson and Gage Backman were king and queen candidates at Morris Area High School, Brady Jergenson was sophomore representative
Savannah Aanerud finished 12 in the girls cross country race at Long Prairie, 10th at Holdingford, 10th at the Little Crow in Spicer, and 6th at the tigers' home meet

 There will be an open-house bridal shower honoring Danielle Graff, bride to be of Jesse Biddle, today (Saturday) from 2-4 p.m., in the Governor's Room at Nelson Gables in Alexandria. All are welcome. Her parents are Keith and Brenda, grandparents Arven and Joanne
Jim and Lou Eystad attended their 60th class reunion on Sept 21st.

 On September 18th Rosie Sax and I attended the concert by the Haining family at Grace Free Church in Elbow Lake.
The threshing bee royalty were part of the Morris Area Schools Homecoming parade on September 20th, in the eve Mark and I attended the homecoming game at big cat stadium, which the tigers won

 Verle and Della Dunn and I attended some of the Applefest activities in Appleton on September 22nd. Tyler Busse and the threshing bee royalty were part of the parade
It has been a while since I have given out my contact info ph. 320-585-6435 (H) ;320-288-8692 (c);e-mail (please put Donnelly news in the subject line) ,snail mail 11 e 9th st Morris MN 56267 ,there are also “Mail” boxes at the post office and hd &co in Donnelly (deadline is Monday at noon for them) and McCollar Jewelry in Morris (deadline is Tuesday evening)

Friday, September 20, 2013

donnelly news

Sept. 14-20th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news:

 Weather news: we got some badly needed rain in the area on the 14th; cooler temperatures remind us that fall is in the air. I see some beans are beginning to be harvested and some corn cut for silage.

ST John’s/Kongsvinger news the regular worship schedule is now in effect with services at 8:30 a.m., at Kongsvinger, followed by coffee fellowship and Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.  St John’s will have coffee fellowship at 10 a.m., followed by services at 11 a.m...

There will be joint services at st John’s at 11 a.m. with the Sunday school kids singing

The St John’s fall fest will be on Saturday, October 5th, so if you have anything extra items lying around, save it for them. No clothes, but other items welcome; you can bring them to the church in early October.  More information contact the church office at 246-3211

Good Shepherd news:  an evening bible study on revelation will run on Wednesday evenings for the next 6 weeks, @ 7 p.m. at the church. This will be a condensed version of the a.m. study

The Chord Ayres a men’s chorus from the Milan area will be in concert at the church on Saturday, September 28th at 7 p.m.

Other church news: Fall rummage sale at Faith Lutheran in Morris on Wednesday September 25th.4-7 p.m.

Fall Grief share support group from 4-6 p.m. on Monday evenings through December 9th, at the Morris Evangelical Free Church.
One of the signs of fall is church meals in the area, among them a ham dinner at the united Methodist church in Herman on September 29th
Community news: red hatters will travel to Graceville on October. 7th at 11 a.m. for lunch Dutch treat, let Janet Hornemen   know if you are attending or need a ride all are welcome


 Death notice Katie Leisimeter passed away on September 12th survivors include her sons Tom (Roxanne) from Morris and their family, Tony; grandson Casey (Daniele) and family; Granddaughter Audrey (Steve) Larson and her daughters, all from Donnelly, nephews Gary (Karen) Uphoff and family; Dry (Karen) Uphoff and family; don (Donna) Uphoff and family

Celebrations Evelyn Underwood recently celebrated her 91st birthday. Quinn David Gaul was born on July 24th to Darren and Alyssa Gaul; grandparents are Alan and Mary Uphoff, great Gary and Karen, great grandmother Evelyn Underwood. He was baptized at Faith Lutheran on September. 15th

Brady cardwell received a 4_H award from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

Carly Gullickson and Brady Jergenson were king and queen candidates at Morris Area High School

State 4-h results  general: purple ribbons Micah and Rebecca Aanerud ;  blue Brittany and Brady Cardwell, Lindsay Flogstad, Jacob Speer; livestock: Jonna Moser reserve championship; Kellen Erdahl, Shauna kill (blue)
Barb Simpson won the pie baking contest at Niemakel lake park day
Brooke Gillespie was named freshman attendant at the Chokio Alberta high school homecoming celebration
Wedding anniversary celebrations: Jeff and Marylyn Stallman, (silver), Parker and René Kloos 30 years. ard day

Lou Eystad's cousin Joe Mau from Isanti, and friend Carol, visited with her and Jim on Saturday, of the threshing bee

Mark and I helped with some of the landscaping at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on September 17th; on the 18th we enjoyed some music by Kaylene Mecklenburg at the West Wing Village. In the evening Rosie Sax and I attended the concert by the Haining family at Grace Free Church in Elbow Lake

Steve Fults and I attended the Hackfer auction near Donnelly on September 14th.  The two rarest cars sold for $10,000 and $15,000. Enroute home I stopped the macaroni kids event at the Lee Center.

John Kopacek and I spent some time in Albany over the weekend attending the Stearns county pioneer club’s Threshermen’s show

Mark and Pearl A. Anderson had lunch together on the 16th, then attended the open house retirement party for Paul Erstad Jr. at the United Farmers and Merchants State bank and Hackfer rummage sale near Donnelly.
Mark Koepke and I enjoyed lunch together at Willies brat stand on September 18th, later we stopped to visit Chuck Spohr at his home in Morris. In the evening Paul and Betty Sperr and I attended the visitation for Al Mauch at the Pederson funeral home in Morris, he and his wife Jean were members our Stevens county Republican Party steering committee.
United Farmers and Merchants state Bank is now Dacotah bank

Friday, September 13, 2013

donnelly news

Sept. 14-20th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news:

Weather news: It was a very hot humid weekend thankfully we got some rain to cool things off on Sunday.  West Fargo got 1.5” inches of rain on September 9th.  Corns and beans are rapidly maturing and harvest should begin soon. Talked to a friend at the farmers market who said that despite the drought his garden produce was good
ST John’s/Kongsvinger news the regular schedule resumes on Sunday September 15th with services at 8:30 am at Kongsvinger followed by coffee fellowship and Sunday school at 9:45 am.  St John’s will have coffee fellowship at 10 am followed by services at 11 am
St Johns women of the evangelical Lutheran church guest night is Sunday ,September 15th @ 6 pm with Allan Saugstad sharing slides about his habit for humanity trip to El Salvador.
The St John’s fall fest will be on Saturday, October 5th, so if you have anything extra items lying around, save it for them. No clothes but other items welcome, you can bring them to the church in early October.

Good Shepherd news:  an evening bible study on revelation will start on Wednesday, September 18th, @ 7 pm at the church.  Note this will be a condensed version of the Wednesday am study on that book.
Rally Sunday will be held on Sunday, September 15th, with a brunch following 9 am services.
The Chord Ayres a men’s chorus from the Milan area will be in concert at the church, on Saturday, September 28th at 7 pm
Other church news: Assumption Catholic Church will have its annual September fest celebration, on Sunday, September 15th, beginning with a mass at 10 am, and continuing with a dinner and other activities throughout the afternoon
Fall rummage sale at Faith Lutheran in Morris on Wednesday September 25th.
Fall Grief share support group will start on Monday, September 16th from 4-6 pm, and run through December 9th, at the Morris Evangelical Free Church.

Community news: Open house wedding dance in honor of Steve Larson and Audrey McNally today (Saturday) at 8 pm at “A Place to be” in Donnelly, they will be married this afternoon at Kongsvinger.

Death notice: Lois Laurine Ball of Morris passed away at the age of 94 on August 30 survivors include Jerlyn (Don) Wille of Elk River, Minn. There will be a private memorial service for her at camp Ripley veteran’s memorial near Randall MN. Don is a former Donnelly area resident.

September 6th Steve Fults and I attended the “metal to money” auction near Hoffman; afterwards I traveled to Dalton to take in some of the activities, of the Lake region pioneer Threshermen’s association show. The threshing bee royalty were part of the parade on the September 7th. September 8th I attended Niemakel lake park day at the park near Herman enroute home I stopped at the rod & gun shoot in Donnelly.
Mark informs me that his brother Robert (bobby) has a new ad Bobby & Sondra koepke 2225 n #6 St Orlando FL 32820 PH 407 568 9142
The Donnelly Community club had their monthly meeting in September 9th as I expected attendance was down considerably, we sold about 400 less buttons this year than we did last year, however we still did ok .We decided to buy another binder as our old one was not working very good anymore.  We also talked about having a royalty reunion for our 50th anniversary in 2 years. Next meeting is Monday October 14th. Reminder next year’s show is August 23 and 24th and the feature will be Ford. 
Andy Aanerud and I attended some of the Big Iron show in West Fargo North Dakota this week, while there I had the opportunity to tour the case/New Holland factory in Fargo, very interesting to see how tractors are built.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

donnelly news

Sept. 7th-13th

Welcome to another edition of the Donnelly news:

Weather news: the stretch of hot weather we have been having over the past few weeks finally came to an end over the weekend when some cooler temps finally arrived; I understand that our area got some rain on Saturday.

ST John’s/Kongsvinger news:   September 8th is rally Sunday. Sunday school resumes at 9:45 @ Kongsvinger followed by joint services with dinner to follow. Potluck salad /dessert dinner and carnival following the services brats, hot dogs, buns etc. furnished
St Johns women of the evangelical Lutheran church guest night is September 15th @ 6 pm with Alan Saugstad sharing slides about his habit for humanity trip to El Salvador.
The September newsletter is now out; extra copies are available in the narthex of each church
Coffee hour at St John’s resumes on September 15th, their fall fest will be on Oct 6th so if you have anything extra items lying around save it for them

Deadline to bring times for Lutheran World Relief /Marie Sandvick center is September 22
Good Shepherd news:  an evening bible study on revelation will start on September 18th @ 7 pm at the church.
Rally Sunday will be held on Sept 15th with a brunch following services that Sunday,
Chord Ayres will be in concert at the church on September 28th at 7 pm
Other church news: Assumption Catholic Church will have its annual September fest celebration on September 15th beginning with a mass at 10 am and continuing with a dinner and other activities throughout the aft.
Fall Grief share support group will start on September 16th from 4-6 pm and run of through December 9th at the Morris E Free Church

Community news: Niemackl park lake day will be held on September 8th at the park which is about half ways between Herman and Donnelly beginning with a dinner at 11 a.m. and continuing with music and other activities throughout the afternoon

Open house baby shower for August Johnson, infant son of Jeremiah and Erica Johnson will be held on Sunday, September 8th, from 1-3 pm at good shepherd Lutheran church of rural Morris.
Open house wedding dance in honor of Steve Larson and Audrey McNally on September 14th at 8 pm at a place to be in Donnelly

There will be an open house 50th anniversary celebration for Gene and Sharon Miller today (Saturday) at West Pomme Lodge from 4 to 7 p.m. No gifts please

There will be no genealogical society meeting in September. Next meeting is Thursday October 3rd at the library.
The Donnelly community club, Rendsville 4-h and fireman will meet on September 9th @ 7 pm at various locations in Donnelly.
Donnelly rod and gun club annual trap shoot September 8th at Harstad slough beginning at 1 pm

Celebrations: Bob Uhden was the grand marshal of the Donnelly threshing bee parade this year.
Dale and Jeanne Ennen celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on Sept. 3rd
Sadie Jayne Bailey was born June 6, 2013 at Rice Memorial Hospital in Willmar, to Lacey Rinkenberger and Joshua Bailey of Willmar.  Grandparents are David and Vicki Rinkenberger of Morris and John Pearson and Renee Bailey of Paynesville. Great-grandparents are John and Bonnie Rinkenberger of Chokio
Cougar camp awards   4th grade: Jackson Loge; free throws 3rd; lay ups 3rd, hot shot first.
Bryce Jergenson is a co-captain of the tiger football team

Avan Hugh Reimers was born on July 19, 2013 at Stevens Community Medical Center, Morris, to Christina and Patrick Reimers of Morris. . Grandparents are Hugh and Barbara Reimers of Chokio and Tammara Heins of Donnelly.
Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended vacation bible school at Good Shepherd Lutheran church on August 28th, earlier in the day I attended the bible study at the church.
Aug. 29th I returned to Morris area elementary school to help pack more food for feed my starving children organization and in the evening the community picnic at Eastside Park.
Les Cin and I were among those who spent some in Rollag over the weekend at the western Minnesota steam Threshermen's reunion. Enroute to Rollag on Aug 30th I stopped at Minnesota state horseshoe tournament in Alexandria, enroute home on Sept 2nd I stopped at the Barrett care center to say hi to Loiann Frank and Flossie Mathison
Stuart and Lois (Kruger) smith of Kalispell Montana recently visited Charles and Karmen long and opal and Vedar Harstad. Her parents were the late Donald and Alice Kruger; they lived on the farm where mark and Karen Janachovsky now live. She and Karen were good friends and classmates. She enjoyed visiting her former farm, sights around Donnelly and Morris, the MN state fair and some other MN parks Lois reports that Idaho is on fire and Montana has lots of smoke Karen, Vedar, and opal last traveled to Idaho In 2007
September 4th I attended Bible study at good shepherd in the am, in the afternoon PR Mike and I had lunch together at the common cup restaurant
As many of you know Mark was supposed ot have surgery on his eyes on the 4th, unfortunately his driver got sick at the last minute, so it has been postponed to Nov 6th.