Friday, March 30, 2012

donnelly news

Next edition mar 31st –Apr 6th Welcome to another addition of the Donnelly news Weather news: after some unseasonably warm weather, things have cooled off some in the past week due to some rain showers and windy weather, but temps have continued to remain fairly mild. Enroute home from bible study on the 29th I saw that somebody had been out in the field doing some planting. S J/Kong parish news: Holy Week schedule: there will be joint services on Palm sun (Apr. 1st) at ST J at 11 am with the ss kids singing. There will be supper at 6 pm on Maundy Thurs. with an informal communion service to follow at 7 pm at St J; on Good Fri there will be pancake supper at 6 pm followed by services at 7 pm at Kong. Easter Sun services will be at 8:30 am at Kong 11 am at St J The St J spring fling will be held on Apr 14th, if you have new or nearly new items to donate you can bring them to church by Apr. 1st for more info call 246-3278 GSLC news: Holy week schedule: Palm and Easter Sun services will be at 9 am, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services will be at 6:45 pm There will be a pot luck dinner on Sun Apr 1st celebrating the one year anniversary of services at the church following services. St J, Kong and gs will have an Easter lily garden again this year if you want to order one in honor or memory of one contact the st j /Kong parish office @ 246-3211 or Jan Asmus at 589-1461(gs) The federated church’s this and that sale will be held today (sat) at the church beginning at 9 am Faith, first and federated churches will have a good Fri service at federated church on Apr 6th at 7 pm There will be an Easter vigil service at first Lutheran on Apr 7th beginning at 9 pm The 7th dist. republican convention will conclude today (sat) at the Broadway ballroom in Alex beginning at 9 am On Apr. 2nd the bookmobile will be in town @ 3:30 pm, the red hatters will meet at the place to be at 1 pm, the rendsville 4-h club and city council will meet at 7 pm in the fire hall and town hall. The st co gen soc. will meet on Apr 5th at 1:30 pm at the Morris public library The Dfd will meet at the fire hall on Apr 9th; the community club will meet at the town hall both at 7 pm. We will begin making plans for the threshing bee on Aug. 25 and 26th anyone with any ideas or suggestions is encouraged to attend the meeting Donald F. ""Rocky"" Ranney, of Warrod MN passed away on Mar 21st survivors include his son in law John (Deann) Miller and his family, he was preceded in death by his daughter Julie Congratulations to the following that were named athletes of the week during the winter season MaKenzie Smith, Beth Holland, Chandler Erickson and Kourtney Geise, Congratulations to Ashley Mecklenburg who made the dean’s list at Alex tech recently Congratulations to Matthew and Alisha Gramith and family who were selected to become the newest Habit for Humanity family in Stevens County, her parents are Ron and Sue Wevley; her grandmother is Liz Ascheman. Andy Brevig and I attended bible study at St J on Mar 21st. A good crowd was on hand on Mar 24th for the cina POW –wow at the UMM pe center it is always a colorful event to watch. Jill Loge and Amy Swanson were some of the bank of west employees helping out at the community supper on Mar 26th at the senior center. Enroute home I stopped to visit Wally McCollar at his shop. An overflow crowd, including many of us from the Donnelly area, was on hand for the choir concerts at the Maes music hall on Mar 27th Jody Wilke of st Cloud spent some time last week visiting his mother Pearl A. Anderson. Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended supper and services at gs on Mar 28th earlier in the day I attended Lenten services at 1st Lutheran in the aft I stopped at gs and visited with Pr. Mike for a while.

Friday, March 23, 2012

donnelly news

Next edition mar 24-30th Welcome to another addition of the Donnelly news Weather news: record high temps in the ‘70’s during the past week have made it seem more like summer than early spring. It is also the earliest in the year that temps have been this warm. needless to say most of the snow has quickly disappeared. S J/Kong parish news: Lenten services will conclude at 7 pm on Mar 28th at Kong coffee fellowship to follow. Holy Week services will be announced at a later date Parish bible study continues during lent at ST J on Thursday am at 10:30 am and repeated in the eve at Kong at 7 pm. If you are doing some spring cleaning and need to get rid of some things remember the ST J spring fling in Apr. They are looking for new or almost new items (no clothes) you can bring them to the church anytime between now and Apr 1st. It will be held on Apr 14th more info call 246-3278 GSLC news: a pot luck supper at 5:45 pm with services at 6:45 pm will mark the conclusion of Lenten services at the church on Mar 28th. Holy week schedule: Palm and Easter Sun services will be at 9 am, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services will be at 6:45 pm the 7th dist. republican convention will be held on Mar 30 and 31st at the Broadway ballroom in Alex beginning at 2 pm on the 30th and 9 am on the 31st. A banquet featuring Tim Pawlenty will be held Fri eve The st co dfl convention will be held today (sat) at 9 am the legion in Morris There will be an open house baby shower for Aaron and Kayla Erdahl today (sat) at the First Lutheran Church in Morris from 9:30-11 a.m. All are welcome. The don fire dept fish fry will be held on Mar 30th at the Donnelly hall beginning at 4:30 pm The bookmobile will be in town on Apr 2nd at 3:30 pm, the red hatters will meet at 1 pm at a place to be in Donnelly, the rendsville 4-h, and city council will meet at 7 pm at the fire hall and town hall “Heart to heart as your parents age” will be presented by the st co Thrivent financial for Lutherans chapter on Mar 29th at the old # 1 Southside from 6:30-8 pm. more info call 589-1731 Renly Marie Quiram was born on December 22, 2011 at Douglas County Hospital, Alexandria, to David and Heather Quiram of Morris. Grandparents are Todd and Kimberly Moser of Donnelly, Terrell and Dawn Quiram of Waseca. Willow Grace Kelly was born on March 9, 2012 at Stevens Community Medical Center, Morris, to Lindsey Heinrich and Peter Kelly of Morris. Grandparents are Charles Heinrich JR. and Gail Hockert. Kevin Backman of Blaine passed away on Mar 18th survivors include his brother in law Jeff Harstad of Donnelly, and niece Kayla (josh) Erdahl. Congratulations to the following knowledge bowl teams that won at the regional competition and advanced to the state completion, sr. (2nd) Kendra speer, Jake Moser, Natalie Johnston are members of that team, the Jr. A team (2nd) Joanna Moser is a member of that team, her dad Jon was one the coaches, Jr. B (3rd); Jenna Moser is coach of that team. The Jr. C team coached by Lori Moser placed 10th . congratulations to Brady bahr who was one of the m-ca tigers chosen to play in the “jam the gym” event today (sat) at bold Elaine Harstad and I attended bible study at st j on Mar 15th, in the eve a good crowd was on hand for the Habit for Humanity pork chop fund raiser at the Old # 1 Southside Jim and Lou Eystad and I were among those who attended the st j welca st pat’s day party at the wwv on Mar 16th. Afterwards I visited some of the residents there. Jerry Kopacek was able to go home after the party. Andy Brevig and I were among those from the area who attended the dist. 12 republican convention in Starbuck on Mar 24th. Scott dutcher won the endorsement for 12a representative on the 2nd ballot. in the eve David Larson was one of the Stevens county pork producers who was kept busy frying pork chops for the many of us who attended their supper at the Old # 1 Southside Tammy Speer and I were among the good crowd that attended the supper and concert by Dakota Road on Mar 18th at trinity in Cyrus. She announced that the fmsc packing event will return to Morris in late Aug. Earlier in the day I attended the concert by captive free- great plains at first Lutheran in Morris. Jim and Lou Eystad also had a busy day on the 18th attending the assumption catholic church dinner, a 90th birthday party at the sr. center in Morris and the sing a long at the Eden reformed church in Herman in eve. Several Donnelly area students were members of the musical groups that participated in “a night of music” at the MAEs music hall that many of us from the area enjoyed on Mar 20th. On the 21st Bernice Erdahl and I attended Lenten services at 1st Lutheran in the aft Gloria Larson and I attended the daibetis seminar at the senior center in Morris; in the eve Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended services at gs. It also afforded me an opportunity to say welcome back to Jack Fuchs who spent some time this winter in TX Tuesday [20th] Joan Kopacek, Helen Kill and Phyllis Rickmeyer took the VFW bus to the State Capital for the annual Veteran affairs meeting. While there they stopped in to talk with rep Tory Westrom.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

donnelly news

Next edition mar 17th-23rd Welcome to another addition of the Donnelly news Weather news: temps in the 50’s this week has meant that a lot of the snow we have had has melted and making it very nice to be out and about again St J/Kong parish news: Lenten services will again alternate between St J (Mar 21st) and Kong (Mar 28th) this year with services at 7 pm coffee fellowship to follow. Parish bible study continues during lent at ST J on Thursday am at 10:30 am and repeated in the eve at Kong at 7 pm. Mar is food shelf month the parish will be collecting donations of nonperishable food items and financial donations for the st co food shelf. There are carts in the narthex of ea. church. If you are doing some spring cleaning and need to get rid of some things remember the st j spring fling in Apr. They are looking for new or almost new items (no clothes) you can bring them to the church anytime between now and Apr 1st. It will be held on Apr 14th more info call 246-3278 GSLC news: from now until the end of lent there will be a pot luck supper at 5:45 pm with services at 6:45 pm at the church, for more info call PR Mike. The mission of the month is Ethiopian mission and the coffee money will go to the courage cottage Mar 18th is new member Sunday There will be a supper at Trinity Lutheran in Cyrus on Mar 18th beginning at 5:30 pm followed by the band “Dakota road” in concert at 7 pm, free will offering. I had an opportunity to hear them last year they are very good. A Youth encounter group will be in concert at first Lutheran on Mar 18th at 5 pm followed by supper On Mar 18th there will be a st pat’s day dinner at assumption catholic church in Morris. Serving starts at 11 am The dist. 12 republican endorsing convention will be held today (Sat) at the starbuck community center in Starbuck beginning at 9 a.m. for more info call 795-2439. the 7th dist. convention will be held on Mar 30 & 31st at the Broadway ballroom in Alex beginning at 2 pm on the 30th and 9 am on the 31st. A banquet featuring Tim Pawlenty will be held Fri eve. For more info or call 320-582-0138 The st co dfl convention will be held on Mar 24th at 9 am the legion in Morris It’s a boy! There will be an open house baby shower for Aaron and Kayla Erdahl on Saturday, March 24 at the First Lutheran Church in Morris from 9:30-11 a.m. All are welcome. The dfd fish fry will be held on Mar 30th at the Donnelly hall beginning at 4:30 pm for more info contact any member of the Dfd. The bookmobile will be in town on Mar 19th at 3:30-pm There will be a diabetes seminar on Mar 21st at the Morris senior center beginning with a light supper at 5 pm Heart to heart as your parents age will be presented by the st co Thrivent finical for Lutherans on Mar 29th at the old # 1 Southside from 6:30-8 pm. more info call 589-1731 Dale Vipond of Alex passed away on Mar 6th among the family members that survive him are a nephew Doug Gulbrandson and his family On Mar 8th Andy Brevig and I were among those who attended the Bible study at St J in the am. In the eve many fans including some from the Donnelly area attended boy’s quarterfinal bb game in the Mahs gym, the tigers won it in OT. Several of us from the Donnelly area were among the good crowd that attended the open house at Pederson’s agri serv in Herman on Mar 9th, after dinner it was time for lunch at Larson’s tire service. Earlier in the day I visited Selma Bruse at the Pullman house. In the aft Jim and Lou Eystad and I were among those who attended the spring expo at the lee center in Morris, thanks to Kmrs for the gift cert I won out there. Barry and Nancy Erdahl were among the lions helping serve the pancake breakfast out at the lee center on Mar 10th Several Donnelly area residents were among those of us who attended the harvest for hunger pancake breakfast at the Legion in Herman on Mar 11th. Later I was among the Kong and st j delegates that attended the glacial ridge assembly at Our Redeemers in Benson. The Donnelly community club had their annual meeting on Mar 12th at the hall, after a delicious meal it was time for the business meeting. I t was another very good year for the club due in large part to another successful threshing bee. All directors were reelected to another term. This year’s show will be on Aug. 25 and 26th and will feature Oliver tractors and implements (the other green tractor) Jim and Lou Eystad attended the legion birthday dinner on Mar 11th at the legion then visited her aunt Marlys Alm in the wwv after the meeting on Mar 12th I stopped in to visit them in their home in Donnelly on Mar 12th. Bernice Erdahl and I attended Lenten services a 1st Lutheran on Mar 14th, in the eve Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended supper and services at gs Thanks to bob burner for the following info The meeting was called to order by president chad smith, carol boelend from Hennen and associates presented the audit report. Kirby Hufford was reelected for a 2nd three year term as a director. Glen Wiesenberger from west central environmental consultants gave a very informative presentation on EPA “on farm” fuel storage law The co-op had sales of $7.5 million which was up 1.4 million from 2010 Gross margins were up as were local net margins but patronage from regional co-ops were down $57,000resulting in net margins of $300,00 down from $350,000 in 2010 the co-op returned $82,00 in cash representing 30% of 2011 earnings there was also $24,000 in stock retirements paid out Patronage returned represents 13cents on gas 14 cents per gallon on fuels and $25 per ton on fertilizer Over the past 31 years the Donnelly co-op has returned $3.2 million to patrons

Friday, March 9, 2012

donnelly news

Next edition mar 10th -16th Welcome to another addition of the Donnelly news. This week’s column is dedicated to the memory of my Mom who passed away on Mar 14 1994 Weather news: as they say in Minn. if you do not like the weather just wait and it will change. Last week was very winter like with snow cold temps and some blowing and drifting. It has done “a 180” with some sun shine and above normal temps again so the snow is quickly melting this week. St J/Kong parish news: Lenten services will again alternate between Kong (Mar 14th) and St J (Mar 21st) this year with services at 7 pm coffee fellowship to follow. Parish bible study continues during lent at ST J on Thursday am at 10:30 am and repeated in the eve at Kong at 7 pm. The Mar newsletter is now out; extra copies are available in the narthex of each church The advent quarter offering this year will be split between the local SA unit and Lutheran World Relief The St J welca will have their annual st pat’s day party at the WWV on Mar 16th at 2:30 PM Mar is food shelf month the parish will be collecting donations of nonperishable food items and financial donations for the st co food shelf. There are carts in the narthex of ea. church. GSLC news: from now until the end of lent there will be a pot luck supper at 5:45 pm with services at 6:45 pm at the church, for more info call PR Mike. The mission of the month is Ethiopian mission and the coffee money will go to the courage cottage West central homes will have their annual meeting on Mar 11th at Zion in Morris at 2 pm The glacial ridge assembly of the ELCA will be held on Mar 11th at 2:00 pm at Our Redeemers Lutheran church in Benson There will be a supper at Trinity Lutheran in Cyrus on Mar 18th beginning at 5:30 pm followed by the band “Dakota road” in concert at 7 pm, free will offering. I had an opportunity to hear them last year they are very good. On Mar 18th there will be a st pat’s day dinner at assumption catholic church in Morris. Serving starts at 11 am The annual meeting of the Donnelly community club will be held on Mar 12th at the Donnelly hall beginning with a meal at 6:30 pm followed by the meeting, rsvp’s requested at donnellythreshingbee @ or ph. 795-2440. If you cannot make it to the meeting but would like to join you can mail your dues to the Donnelly community club Donnelly MN 56235 The fireman will meet at the fire hall on Mar 12th at 7 pm Township elections will be held on Mar 13th contact your town clerk or the county auditor for times and places. NHAS is having a hunger for harvest pancake fundraiser at the Legion in Herman from 9 am – 1 pm for more info call 246-3239 The bookmobile will be in town on Mar 19th at 3:30-pm The 2012 Viking land phone directory published by RTA is now out extra copies are available at HD & co in Donnelly as well as other places in their service area Dale Vipond of Alex passed away on Mar 6th among the family members that survive him are a nephew Doug Gulbrandson and his family I have a long list of “honorees” again this week so congratulations go out to: the wcroc that was named as Stevens county‘s outstanding conservationist of the year. Lee Johnston is the director of operations out there. Adam Erickson on his new job as wetland specialist at the NRCS The “boet” team at Mahs that took 2nd in the area and 4th in the Minn. state envirothon, Natalie Johnston was a member of that team, the simply superior team which took 5th place in the area one, Brody Bahr was a member of that team Judy Johnston who received the 2011 MACDE extraordinary contribution award Chandler Erickson, tom Holland, Tyler heinrich and Brady bahr are members of The MAHS boys’ bb team than finished in second place, in the wcc south conference that team. Mar 1st The St co gen soc. had its first meeting of the year at the Morris Library. That eve I attended the dollar dinner at the Christus house in Morris, later I was part of a good crowd that attended the presentation by David Weis at the senior center. I also attended the session he had at the Briggs library on the umm campus on Mar 2nd. Mar 2nd Liz Ascheman and I attended the thank you presentation by “someplace safe” at the prairie inn, in the aft Andy Brevig and I attended the westrom /Ingebrigtsen town hall meeting at Detoy’s and in the eve the st co rep convention at the senior center Mar 3rd Shirley Libbon and I were among those who attended the presentation at the museum “getting ready for the 1940 census”. It will be released in April, afterwards I visited Marlys Alm and others at the WWV, Jim and Lou Eystad did the same later in the day Mar 6th a good crowd was on hand at the pe center in Morris for the Hancock- pp girl’s bb game Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended the supper and services at gs on Mar 7th earlier in the day I attended services at 1st Lutheran

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Next edition mar 3rd –Mar 9th Welcome to another addition of the Donnelly news. Please note that due to weekly bible study I will be checking my boxes on Thursday a.m. for the next few weeks Weather news: Well it is tournament time in MN so that means it’s time for the first major storm of the winter. It started snowing Tue eve and continued until about mid -morning Wed. Most schools in the area were closed and many other activities were cancelled or ppd., so snow removal equipment is getting it first major workout of the year. The saving grace is that temps have remained fairly mild and are forecast to remain so meaning the snow will not be here too long. Thanks to the Good Samaritan who blew out part of my sidewalk today appreciated having less to shovel! St J/Kong parish news: Lenten services will again alternate between Kong (Mar 14th) and St J (Mar 21st) this year with services at 7 pm coffee fellowship to follow. There will be a parish bible study “Christ in the strangest places” during lent at ST J on Thursday am at 10:30 am and repeated in the eve at Kong at 7 pm.. The advent quarter offering this year will be split between the local SA unit and Lutheran World Relief The St J welca will have their annual st pat’s day party at the wwv on Mar 16th at 2:30 PM Mar is food shelf month the parish will be collecting donations of nonperishable food items and finical donations for the st co food shelf. There are carts in the narthex of ea. church. Annual reports are in the narthex of each church. If you have not picked your copy up please so and if you can deliver some that would be appreciated too GSLC news: from now until the end of lent there will be a pot luck supper at 5:45 pm with services at 6:45 pm at the church, for more info call PR Mike. West central homes will have their annual meeting on Mar 11th at Zion in Morris The glacial ridge assembly of the elca will be held on Mar 11th at 2:00 pm at Our Redeemers Lutheran church in Benson If you are a member of Thrivent you have until Mar 31st to designate where your Thrivent choice dollars go contact your local Thrivent agent for more into or call1- 800- Thrivent or visit The annual meeting of the Donnelly community club will be held on Mar 12th at the Donnelly hall beginning with a meal at 6:30 pm followed by the meeting, rsvp’s requested at donnellythreshingbee @ or ph. 795-2440. If you cannot make it to the meeting but would like to join you can mail your dues to the Donnelly community club Donnelly MN 56235 The fireman will meet at the fire hall on Mar 12th at 7 pm Township elections will be held on Mar 13th contact your town clerk or the county auditor for times and places. The 2012 Viking land phone directory published by RTA is now out extra copies are available at HD & co in Donnelly as well as other places in their service area JoAnn Gustafson of Ogema passed away on Feb 26th. Survivors include her daughter Dona (Greg) Greiner of Donnelly and their family. Jayda Rey Hormann was born on February 15, 2012 at Essentia Health in Fargo N.D. to Devin Hormann and Chelsea Ringler of Fargo N.D. Grandparents are Dean and Leila Hormann of Starbuck and Scott and Ione Ringler of Winona. Great grandparents are John DeLong of Morris formerly of Donnelly and Duane and Lavonne Ringler of Winona. I have a long list of “honorees” this week so congratulations go out to: The c-a skills fest team that finished 3rd in a recent meet Brady Gillespie is a member of that team Brady Jergenson who was named a tiger pride winner recently Levin Strand, who was recently confirmed, at the Eden reformed church in Herman Kirby Hufford who was recently appointed to the board of swcd the wcroc that was named as Stevens county‘s outstanding conservationist of the year. Lee Johnston is the director of operations out there. Adam Erickson on his new job as wetland specialist at the NRCS The “boet” team at Mahs that took 2nd in the area and 4th in the Minn. state envirothon, Natalie Johnston was a member of that team, the simply superior team which took 5th place in the area one, Brody Bahr was a member of that team Judy Johnston who received the 2011 MACDE extraordinary contribution award Shannon Kill who was a conservation poster winner from St Mary’s Elaine Harstad and I were among those who attended bible study at St J on Feb 23rd. On Feb 24th I picked my aunt Pearl Anderson up at the sunrise apartments. We then traveled to Donnelly for the co-op meeting where we were both lucky to win door prizes, she a coat, me a gift certificate. A good crowd was on hand for the meeting, the co-op had another good year again .After I dropped her off at the apts I preceded to the green rivers apt where I visited Opal and Vedar Harstad and Karen Long. Karen said she had been to visit my cousin Bev at the Barrett home recently. I then stopped to visit with Gary Weise for a while in his apt and enroute home stopped at McCollar jewelry for one of my frequent visit with Wally. In the eve Lee and Judy Johnston and I were among those who attended FFA alumni supper and auction at mahs. Jim and Lou Eystad and I attended the open house at the main street galleria in Hoffman on Feb 25th. Afterwards I visited Don Larson and Marvel Wagner at the good Sam home. Don was recently named king at the home; I told him I hoped he could attend the open house at his tire shop in Herman on the 9th Don Speer and I were among those of us who attended the faith and home seminar at the Maes music hall on Feb 26th Barry and Nancy Erdahl were among the Lions helping out the community supper at the senior center on Feb 27th. Their next event will be the pancake breakfast at the KMRS/KKOK expo on Mar 11th at the Lee center. Feb 28th I spent some time visiting Jerry Kopacek and other friends at the WWV